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Full Version: Another Angmoh in China : "I am being attacked by The New York Times!"
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Shocking! Reading comments below the New York Times article about me
KOKee aka Century should defend him!  Tongue
(23-12-2021, 02:33 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]what has china invented in modern techmology? NOTHING, steal, copy cat, buy, rob using sex slavery or $$.



ccp china only 2 ways, $$ & lady. so all these chow ang mo got these 2 things from ccp china to lick ccp balls like all 5 cents all over the world.
no secret, norm & whole world know well.
all these chow ang mo enjoy their life with chinese lady every night, shiok & song, all the moronic commies here can only pcc.

(08-12-2021, 01:54 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]money is super evil under the hand of devil.
上海小紅樓藏嬌供官商 幾十妙齡女子 大驚小怪是土包 中國崛起全靠她. This is recently top news, all the lady sexual slavery for top leaders in shanghai. that is why ccp china rely on dirty money & sexual slavery to win.
5 cents serve, dont enjoy.


上海小紅樓藏嬌供官商 歐式裝潢 幾十妙齡女子 大驚小怪是土包 中國崛起全靠她
Potus Trump TKO
Century kokee the dog feel the pain OUCH OUCH OUCH Rotfl Rotfl Rotfl

I was afraid of China until I moved here 21 years ago | Life in China as a business man
America will continue to use all their media to put China in bad lights. Just like the YouTuber said in his video that the US msm came with predetermined conclusion.
(23-12-2021, 09:22 PM)kangtangman Wrote: [ -> ]America will continue to use all their media to put China in bad lights. Just like the YouTuber said in his video that the US msm came with predetermined conclusion.

This I  can agree........ Clapping