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Full Version: Singapore’s richest man to buy UK’s Premier Club. Possible?
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Was watching Suzuki Cup semi. Commentators kept mentioning Korean Song in Singapore Team. Remind me of Son Heung Min of Tottenham Hotspurs. There was a recent UK report which suggests that Singapore richest billionaire may take a stake in the Tottenham club.
[Image: 020921-forrest-youtube.jpg]
Getting more and more possible.
Multiple reports he will take minority stake first, then takeover later.
Sure got garmen support, because PAP like this kind of thing. it will put Singapore on world football map. Huat arrr.
(05-02-2022, 11:14 PM)YummyKing Wrote: [ -> ]Getting more and more possible.
Multiple reports he will take minority stake first, then takeover later.
Sure got garmen support, because PAP like this kind of thing. it will put Singapore on world football map. Huat arrr.

good luck buying Spurs from a Jew..................