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Full Version: South Africa, where Omikron was first noticed, the incidence is falling again.
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In South Africa, where Omikron was first noticed, the incidence is falling again. Experts are puzzling what is behind the rapid decline. A South African virologist explains the current situation in the country - and what Germany has to adjust to.

The world marvels at South Africa. While the number of infections rose rapidly at the end of November because of the new Omicron variant, the country at the Cape of Good Hope is slowly returning to normal. Wolfgang Preiser heads the department for medical virology at the University of Stellenbosch. In an interview with WELT, the scientist explains what is now known about Omikron and what the new variant could mean for Germany.

WORLD: The new Omikron variant caused the number of infections in South Africa to skyrocket at the end of November. The incidence has been falling again for a few days. Has the fourth wave already broken?