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Full Version: Forum: A pity that badminton final was not shown on local TV
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Media Corp still got hope, or not?
(24-12-2021, 10:09 AM)JQK Wrote: [ -> ]Media Corp still got hope, or not?

Even a delayed telecast will be appreciated.......wonder if mediacorpĀ  will do us a favour by telecasting this match (finals)....... Clapping
Heard on radio that the finals will be telecast on Saturday 5.15 pm on channel 5 if I heard correctly.
(24-12-2021, 10:32 AM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]Heard on radio that the finals will be telecast on Saturday 5.15 pm on channel 5 if I heard correctly.

I hope you had listened right, looking forward to watch it on Saturday at 5.15pm .....
An insult to LKY, no win = no telecast even delayed!
(24-12-2021, 10:48 AM)mikotan Wrote: [ -> ]An insult to LKY, no win = no telecast even delayed!

Anyway it turned out to be better, when LKY clinch the championship....... Clapping Clapping
sinkie sporthub can closeshop.SSCCS.