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Full Version: Free speech? Not everybody loves it, this map shows
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Some of the highest-rated countries are what you might expect: in North America (U.S.) and northern Europe (UK, Denmark, Norway, Sweden). Also on that list: Spain and Japan. Surprising inclusions: Venezuela and Hungary, two countries not recently noted for the fair and balanced nature of their public discourse.
(26-12-2021, 11:05 AM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]Some of the highest-rated countries are what you might expect: in North America (U.S.) and northern Europe (UK, Denmark, Norway, Sweden). Also on that list: Spain and Japan. Surprising inclusions: Venezuela and Hungary, two countries not recently noted for the fair and balanced nature of their public discourse.

We are in the shaded red area...... crying
(26-12-2021, 11:08 AM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]We are in the shaded red area...... crying

CannotĀ Free speech really else Lying and smearing become common.