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Full Version: Pigeons were seen trapped with a net launcher at Joo Chiat after
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Pigeons were seen trapped with a net launcher at Joo Chiat after residents complained.


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Too many of anythings always create problems. Be it animals plants human being or non living things.
I wonder how they dispose of those pigeons. Roast to eat or just simply kill them?
(20-10-2024, 08:36 PM)sgh Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder how they dispose of those pigeons. Roast to eat or just simply kill them?

free them in the wild.. with eagles around can? Rotfl
That net launcher very good.
(20-10-2024, 04:10 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]Pigeons were seen trapped with a net launcher at Joo Chiat after residents complained.


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Good Thumbsup  trap for the birds lah! Big Grin Just spread the net and put some food there when they all come to eat just net them up 一网打尽 like fishes lah! haha  Laughing
I think in some places pigeons are delicacy..once we learn to eat the dish ...problem disappears