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Full Version: New eye drops offer an alternative to reading glasses in the US
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NEW YORK (NYTIMES) - An eye drop that improves close-range vision could make misplaced reading glasses less of an inconvenience for many of the 128 million Americans who suffer from age-related deficits in near vision.

Vuity, which became available by prescription this month, is a once-a-day treatment that can help users see up close without affecting their long-range vision.


Nearly 90 per cent of US adults older than 45 have problems with close-range vision, a condition known as presbyopia that typically worsens over time.

To focus on close objects, the eye's lens must change shape, yet it becomes less flexible as people age, making this process difficult.


Typically, eye doctors recommend that people with presbyopia wear over-the-counter or prescription reading glasses when they need to see up close, but Vuity may also be an option for them, he said.

Vuity's benefit over reading glasses is that it does not impair distance vision as reading glasses do.

Usually, when a person stops reading to do something else, they need to remove their reading glasses to see around them properly.


it might cost around US$80 (S$109) per 30-day supply.

Although the clinical trials did not report any serious side effects, 14.9 per cent of subjects who took Vuity reported mild headaches, compared with 7 per cent of subjects who took placebo drops.
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