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Full Version: China man violently stabs China woman! China number 1!!
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What you expect from Extremely TRIGGERED all uncultured ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s singing and dancing on reporting on China trivial news leh and they suck each other cunts extremely 9696 GAO GAO and love to bring their father and mother to forum hor LMAO
you all don't know meh your daddies beloved dogs lmao

Extremely triggered TS and brokeback gangs the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s mental stupid hor correct or not arse lickers, correct right arse lickers stooge’s Lmao
(31-10-2024, 11:16 AM)greentiger Wrote: [ -> ]

Thanks for the china event...Omnipresent very busy monitoring china life violent with happy emoji
YES. China No. 1.   

Your 祖宗十八代 No. 1.

Clapping Clapping Clapping  

[Image: China-man-stab-woman.jpg]
Chop chop chop!!! China number 1!
[Image: nudie.gif]
Big Grin Big Grin
Dun one day you aso kee seow, after eating chap cai png go around to chop
How much the angmoh monkeys pay u to post this? $0.50 a post ? They pay me $1000/ post for the Erection.
No matter how much you degrade China, the end result is they will still b number 1. This is how this World works, the present leader will collapse and have to in order for it to continue. You just watch here whether what I tell u will come true or not.
Stop degrading China, your ah gong collapsing, mark my words:
(01-11-2024, 11:39 AM)*天哥* Wrote: [ -> ]Stop degrading China, your ah gong collapsing, mark my words:
(31-10-2024, 11:16 AM)greentiger Wrote: [ -> ]htt

(22-10-2024, 09:10 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]htt

(17-09-2024, 09:13 PM)greentiger Wrote: [ -> ]htt

Stop wasting time!

Your beloved Assmerica's US$ 90 billion FAILED liao! 

$90 billion spent on disinformation about China, what did the US people get?

A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

Huat ah, Assmerica!  Clapping Clapping 

US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China


Huat ah, Assmerica!!!!  Clapping Laughing 

Huat ah, Shitexchange!!!  Clapping  nudie

Huat ah, Jericok75!!!!  Laughter-68 

Huat ah, greenthaiger!!! Laughing

Huat ah, Koyokte! Fundance
More money on the way!

Huat ah!!!!  Gesti-109

Let's Talk About The USA's 1.6 Billion Dollar Countering China Bill - H.R. 1157 | Lee Barrett

【每日必看】台獨網軍"匿名者64"慘了?! 蔡正元預言中共下一步|陸控遭台「資通電軍」網攻 郭正亮發現一件怪事:很可怕 20240924
(01-11-2024, 11:08 AM)bobby Wrote: [ -> ][Image: nudie.gif]
(04-11-2024, 08:59 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Stop wasting time!

Your beloved Assmerica's US$ 90 billion FAILED liao! 

$90 billion spent on disinformation about China, what did the US people get?

A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

Huat ah, Assmerica!  Clapping Clapping 

US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China


Huat ah, Assmerica!!!!  Clapping Laughing 

Huat ah, Shitexchange!!!  Clapping  nudie

Huat ah, Jericok75!!!!  Laughter-68 

Huat ah, greenthaiger!!! Laughing

Huat ah, Koyokte! Fundance
More money on the way!

Huat ah!!!!  Gesti-109

Let's Talk About The USA's 1.6 Billion Dollar Countering China Bill - H.R. 1157 | Lee Barrett

【每日必看】台獨網軍"匿名者64"慘了?! 蔡正元預言中共下一步|陸控遭台「資通電軍」網攻 郭正亮發現一件怪事:很可怕 20240924

Hi Niubee Clone
(01-11-2024, 11:08 AM)bobby Wrote: [ -> ][Image: nudie.gif]
[Image: IMG-20241108-WA0001.jpg]

Pundek Pukimak and all brokeback gangs the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh your daddies world champion for this hor mental stupid hor correct or not arse lickers stooge’s correct right arse lickers stooge’s Upz
[Image: GbJ3Q52akAI95PR?format=jpg&name=large]

WTF?! How come third world china so jialat?! How come so many ah tiong stabbing and killing each other lolololololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue 

Ah tiong must hate each other the most lololololol! If not stabbing or chopping, it will be ramming with car! Tongue Tongue Tongue 

Truly a sick and declining society third world china is! Tongue Tongue Tongue
(04-11-2024, 08:59 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Stop wasting time!

Your beloved Assmerica's US$ 90 billion FAILED liao! 

$90 billion spent on disinformation about China, what did the US people get?

A 500-million-dollar business! America's state-sponsored anti-China propaganda

Huat ah, Assmerica!  Clapping Clapping 

US goes further to spend $300 million annually smearing China


Huat ah, Assmerica!!!!  Clapping Laughing 

Huat ah, Shitexchange!!!  Clapping  nudie

Huat ah, Jericok75!!!!  Laughter-68 

Huat ah, greenthaiger!!! Laughing

Huat ah, Koyokte! Fundance
More money on the way!

Huat ah!!!!  Gesti-109

Let's Talk About The USA's 1.6 Billion Dollar Countering China Bill - H.R. 1157 | Lee Barrett

【每日必看】台獨網軍"匿名者64"慘了?! 蔡正元預言中共下一步|陸控遭台「資通電軍」網攻 郭正亮發現一件怪事:很可怕 20240924

Pundek Pukimak the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s keep barking woof woof and sucking your daddies beloved dogs lmao mental stupid hor correct or not arse lickers stooge’s correct right arse lickers stooge’s