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Full Version: Can MOM sue CareersFuture for Age Discrimination?
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In our individual profile, must key in our Education and YEAR of Graduation

100% of the time, the agencies and hiring specialist can guess my age correctly

[Image: Careers-Future-Age-Discrimination-10-Aug-2024.jpg]
Not sue lehh, cann take action lehh. Think so.
(13-11-2024, 11:18 PM)Tee tiong huat Wrote: [ -> ]Not sue lehh, cann take action lehh. Think so.

This up to MOM...lehh, I think.
PAP itself Double STandards

Dead Dragon and Gan SH are such hypocrites

[Image: Skills-Future-Year-of-Graduation.jpg]
Why Dead Dragon never want to clean up the SAI

the useless SBQ left behind ?

Is it such an expensive mistake to remind us about the "FAlse sense of Anti -Discrimination ? "

and a False Sense of Fair Hiring ?
Gov sectors itself LOL don't even hire those over 40 ones

UNLESS you are SAF regular , happen your contract finish they will assign you go other public sectors/stat boards if you willing to take that job also a civil servant job.

OR you happen to hold a high post from Private sectors like CEO , Director levels.

If you are just Poly or ITE grad most likely will not be hire if you over 40++

if they recommend is More like " part time " contract will not get perm . In fact now Govt job is so call Contract but for those young one or happen work for long will convert to perm who are at least below 40.
PAP dont sue PAP