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Full Version: Beware of scammer in telegram sigh
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You must be joining " some groups , the admin there might or maybe selling your info "
I was in the 1M65 telegram chat group. I believe most of the spammers harvested the contacts from there. Since I joined, I keep receiving scam msgs about investments and stocks. So, please don't join that group.
(28-12-2021, 04:32 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]You must be joining " some groups , the admin there might or maybe selling your info "

(28-12-2021, 04:36 PM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]I was in the 1M65 telegram chat group. I believe most of the spammers harvested the contacts from there. Since I joined, I keep receiving scam msgs about investments and stocks. So, please don't join that group.

Thank you guys for alerting us......... Clapping
(28-12-2021, 04:36 PM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]I was in the 1M65 telegram chat group. I believe most of the spammers harvested the contacts from there. Since I joined, I keep receiving scam msgs about investments and stocks. So, please don't join that group.

This is what I have mention , sometimes lol even so call friends set up group also better beware, they also might be selling your info.
(28-12-2021, 04:44 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]This is what I have mention , sometimes lol even so call friends set up group also better beware, they also might be selling your info.

I think there are some who  sells others info. for  a fee.... Clapping Laughing
(28-12-2021, 04:32 PM)[[ForeverAlone]] Wrote: [ -> ]You must be joining " some groups , the admin there might or maybe selling your info "

That telegram id account have never been used since 2018. And have not join any and simi sg group.
(28-12-2021, 04:36 PM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]I was in the 1M65 telegram chat group. I believe most of the spammers harvested the contacts from there. Since I joined, I keep receiving scam msgs about investments and stocks. So, please don't join that group.

Can hide your contact number in tg that why I like to use it.