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Full Version: Singapore marathon swimmer: Kiss my ass
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Yes a lot of armchair critics  Big Grin
Give credit where it deserves  Clapping
She got big mouth ..... I mean real big mouth ... appearance-wise
There is a saying small mouth small meow meow ... by the look of .... most likely bigger than some cave in SEA
Respect our country man and woman Olympian leh
You all can represent meh
Why so vulgar? Even Schooling wasn't like that when he won gold medal in 2016.
(04-08-2021, 11:32 PM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]She got big mouth ..... I mean real big mouth ... appearance-wise
There is a saying small mouth small meow meow ... by the look of .... most likely bigger than some cave in SEA

as big as her ego...

(05-08-2021, 12:38 AM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]Why so vulgar? Even Schooling wasn't like that when he won gold medal in 2016.

finished 23rd in a field of 25 athletes... it is more like she kissed 22 arses...
so she is openly welcoming her assed be kissed? can’t blame anyone then….i think many dorm workers would be happy to oblige..
She won Medal? Finish last 2 bottom so Ya Ya. She better go find a stable job.
So when can we kiss her ass? Need to register online?
Jia liao bee. Wasting taxpayers money to train and take part and not even in the top 20. What for take part???
She can play wrestling with you.
(05-08-2021, 08:51 AM)Stoki Wrote: [ -> ]Jia liao bee. Wasting taxpayers money to train and take part and not even in the top 20. What for take part???

Proved to us that you are not a jia liao bee by representing Singapore and win a gold medal 4 years later..
(05-08-2021, 07:20 AM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]She won Medal? Finish last 2 bottom so Ya Ya. She better go find a stable job.

Who sent her ( or it) to take part? All of them need to step down and also tighten the SOP
(04-08-2021, 11:36 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]Respect our country  man and woman Olympian leh
You all can represent meh

Asking her countryman and women to kiss her ass due some criticism does not deserve any respect.
just go swim and got last who cannot.any cat dog also can
(05-08-2021, 12:46 AM)PerceivedToBe Wrote: [ -> ]as big as her ego...

finished 23rd in a field of 25 athletes... it is more like she kissed 22 arses...
I think she actual wan some one to lick her C
(05-08-2021, 11:55 AM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]I think she actual wan some one to lick her C

Yesterday I watched a video where a Malaysian reporter interviewed a Malaysian high jumper who did not make it to the final round.

After talking for sometime the Malaysian high jumper said "I am sorry".

Compared to this ass kissing athelete, such a world of difference.

(05-08-2021, 12:19 PM)Gstalk Wrote: [ -> ]Yesterday I watched a video where a Malaysian reporter interviewed a Malaysian high jumper who did not make it to the final round.

After talking for sometime the Malaysian high jumper said "I am sorry".

Compared to this ass kissing athelete, such a world of difference.


Typical self-entitled strawberry snowflake unable to stomach a bit of criticism.
Lack mental resilience and toughness
Wasting money n time to take part this event.
Anybody queue up to kiss her ass???
(05-08-2021, 12:38 AM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]Why so vulgar? Even Schooling wasn't like that when he won gold medal in 2016.

If she cannot make it say cannot make it lah. Why she must scold the public?
I repeat 2nd time today. She is lousy la..finish last.