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Full Version: Panama: Won't Renew Belt and Road
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nuke china
How cum jobless ermaos hate china so much ha?

Third world china really sia suay and lose face lolololol! Tongue Tongue Tongue

Countries like italy, argentina, panama all get no benefit from third world china, of course they will leave the useless bric and choose to appease the USA.

These countries also know ccp cult can't help them when third world china is on fire from massive joblessness and economic decline! Tongue Tongue Tongue
(03-02-2025, 04:46 PM)teaserteam Wrote: [ -> ]

Trump will take it by force lah! Big Grin
Can rejoin anytime, no problem. It's like credit cards, can cancel anytime and then reapply new ones, no question asked

Why worry leh?
(08-02-2025, 10:19 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]Trump will take it by force lah! Big Grin
[Image: IMG-20250208-WA0000.jpg]

Mental retard Pundek Pukimak and brokeback gangs the ultimate amdk arse lickers stooge’s you don't know meh your daddies sucking Xi Jinping dick LMAO correct or not arse lickers stooge’s

Panama already pulled out officially of the useless bric lolololol! RIP third world china Tongue Tongue Tongue