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Full Version: I went to eat popiah ...this is what happened.
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Seller did not increase price. Price was $1.80 per popiah.
But amount of ingredients reduced so much so the popiah is sagging in its skin.
[Image: 250208122133465.jpg]
If wrap tight fit will cause a uproar of the cigarette shape ...
Nice titties Big Grin
(09-02-2025, 09:43 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Seller did not increase price. Price was $1.80 per popiah.
But amount of ingredients reduced so much so the popiah is sagging in its skin.
[Image: 250208122133465.jpg]

Now than you know? There are 3 types of hawkers now....

- Increase price yet his/her rental still the same never increase by coffeeshop owner , landlord. Supply wise still can get cheap.
They increase price for more greed on surface will BS claim oh due to high rental , supply cost increase but in fact they never encounter.

- Another one is really due to high rental and supply they order also increase as come Hawker some supply vary depend what you selling thus no choice they increase price.

- Lastly the last one one you encounter, they never increase price but just give less portion.
This popiah is done by an intern or last minute replacement who is very inexperience. Very shameful if this is what you call popiah.
this popiah is called foreskin popiah
(09-02-2025, 09:43 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Seller did not increase price. Price was $1.80 per popiah.
But amount of ingredients reduced so much so the popiah is sagging in its skin.
[Image: 250208122133465.jpg]

Last time only $1 full 
Now like lost weight
Food inflation in SG. $100 dont get u as much as before covid.
Next time tell the hawker 加料 and pay 50 cts more
(10-02-2025, 10:52 AM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Food inflation in SG. $100 dont get u as much as before covid.

Ya lor...china covid from wuhan cause inflation.
Standard of things really drop alot.

Popiah used to look like this
[Image: Dbxc4kN.jpeg]
Have to order three to look 2 full popiahs
This is called Shrinkflation lah. Rotfl
(10-02-2025, 01:09 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]This is called Shrinkflation lah. Rotfl

I realise after much thought  the popiah represents life in S'pore

1. You pay alot and get little
2. Like our homes alot just to get a small leasehold.
3. Pay alot cannot even afford a small family car.
Don't just complain.

Take action. Vote them out.