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Full Version: sugar free, sugarless ,no added sugar n unsweetened which is better for diabetic
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on the surface it looks all the same but onw e is more suitable than the others
(30-12-2021, 01:42 PM)talky Wrote: [ -> ]on the surface it looks all the same but onw e is more suitable than the others

What you need to watch out for is the carb content. The best non caloric sweetener is Stevia extract because it is natural and zero carb.
must aso check how the stevia extract is done. some processes are harmful and not allowed in certain countries.

my neighbour is in drinks manufacturing biz. big headache since more countries are imposing stringent requirements on sugar contents
i eat what i like moderately meaning
not too much
not too often

but one thing must do
go for regular check up bloodtest -
cholestorol standard type etc plus
1 yearly full blood count

why i believe this?
my mum makan anything with medication
half yearly checkup
she's 91
Need very strict discipline for diabetics to adapt diet change in order to keep blood glucose optimum