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Full Version: My Uncle just now told me now Hospital appt they never send appt letter anymore
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will message you the appt date so call " save paper "
funny come Bills they can send tons of long letter show u this charges than charges than below BIG BIG GOV rebate this and that

MOre epic, come PAP stuffs , they can send you pamplets , and the paper is good quality one.
Download health buddy app with linked dependents... can check change appointments etc... 
Bills need itemised for claim purposes
(30-12-2021, 02:24 PM)Galilo_l Wrote: [ -> ]Download health buddy app with linked dependents... can check change appointments etc... 
Bills need itemised for claim purposes

The main agenda is " PAP just want to show their so call rebate " DON'T BOTHER end user

how about those elderly don't own phone? Of course their son/daughter will received the message and tell their parents
But what and how about those elderly don't have any family ?
Actually I support informed by sms. If send letter then often we lose it and we'll have to call to check appt...