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Full Version: My reflections for 2021....
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When I was young, I was told by some one older that as you get older each year will pass by faster. Yes, the 12 months seems to get shorter as we grow older before we know it half our lives will come to pass leaving us only with the other half.

That's about where I am. Roughly half way. Unfortunately, this dreaded pandemic struck 2 years ago putting a stop to our plans. Some wanted to travel to see the world. Others want to seek out new ventures. For me the 2 years has been between ventures. I closed my business when the pandemic struck and never go the chance to start a new one.

For me the past 2 years has been about filling the gaps in my life. One of which was my lack of university eucation or lack rather lack of opportunity for university education. I spend Al lot of my time learning - taking dozens of online courses to bring myself  to a new level.  I put what I learned into practice setting up a capable AI test bed at home . I did not stinge on the hardware buying state of the art cards to use.

This year was my 4th year of serious investing and markets proved to be treacherous in HK and China with numerous twists and turns. The Singapore Market was full of easy pickings from restructurings of GLCs, deeply undervalued stocks and great performance of long-term investments such as Propnex, Hour Glass, iFast, etc which I got in at the ground flour years ago . I picked a sizable number of REITs at the worst stage of the pandemic - I believe this will be the last time I buy them for many years to come.

My interest is slowly moving to real estate. Not that I will buy anything but to slowly understand the whole sector including industrial property. Right now they are not cheap and yields are low so there is no hurry. I am just preparing myself for opportunities  in the future.

Right now I am working out a number of business plans. Just some ideas but nothing compelling that will energise me to pour money and effort yet.

As for politics, j just see the country moving backwards and doubling down on old strategies. After POFMA came FICA  Sites like TOC got shutdown and Terry Xu is likely to end up jn jail. Tell in which other developed society do citizens get sued 
, bankrupted and jailed for sharing opinions. ..and this has gone on for 5 decades without improvement. Instead of creating space they restrict space.

Opposition politics will be more challenging in the coming years as the regime hone its machinery to trip emerging alternative voices. They have a lot of vested interest in their power structure and businesses. The system will keep shifting away from serving the people towards Singapore Inc as an economic entity. To feed the economic machine the population politics will be played towards importing to expqnd the population. We saw during the parliamentary debate their resolve to push the boundary in this. Its the only game jn town because they have no other ideas to keep the engine humming.

In 2022, make the most of your time. Remember you have fewer years left than ever before so each minute becomes more precious as you get older. So plan your time. Use it for important things. By important I means friendships, family neighbors and everyone you love. Don't waste your time.
Year 2021 also another year that positive speed things up in our surrounding too.. like how WFH, digitisation application for on line and off line, how we feel about work life balance, studying remote etc. memory. Still hope to return to norm so that we can go holiday again... Ha
(31-12-2021, 02:12 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]In 2022, make the most of your time. Remember you have fewer years left than ever before so each minute becomes more precious as you get older. So plan your time. Use it for important things. By important I means friendships, family neighbors and everyone you love. Don't waste your time.

what is your prediction, foresight or lookout for 2022 ?

what will become worse ?
what will become better ?
(31-12-2021, 02:12 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]When I was young, I was told by some one older that as you get older each year will pass by faster. Yes, the 12 months seems to get shorter as we grow older before we know it half our lives will come to pass leaving us only with the other half.
So you should be around 45+ plus now since I knew you from CNA days. Have you also reflected about getting a wife and having a few little Butts?...... Thinking
(31-12-2021, 03:21 PM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]So you should be around 45+ plus now since I knew you from CNA days. Have you also reflected about getting a wife and having a few little Butts?...... Thinking

Don't any how guess may age. I was very young when I participated in CNA forum.

As for marriage, I think its a personal thing. For me it's not that important, I won't do it just because other people do it.
(31-12-2021, 04:12 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Don't any how guess may age. I was very young when I participated in CNA forum.

As for marriage, I think its a personal thing. For me it's not that important, I won't do it just because other people do it.

Apology for wrong bracketing your age. However your response has give enough clue to re-bracket your age more accurately...... Big Grin
Are u really a human or a computer bot?

I ask this becos a normal human will hate loneliness. Its human nature to look for a mate.

To me there r a few reasons y a man is alone. None of it is nice to hear.