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When you've decided what you're trying to accomplish, the next step is to decide how you actually hope to get it done.

We've already established that this campaign Mobile Number List will be powered by the power of visual content.

A visual campaign can be beneficial for anyone and any type of strategy Mobile Number List. However, it can be of particular benefit to you if you are trying to make a bold statement or if you are advertising a product that is unusual, original and good, but difficult to advertise in general.

What do we mean by this? Pretty much any product that revolves around "taboo" or uncomfortable topics that we don't like to talk about: poop, urine, genital hair, crusty feet, that sort of thing. Your ads should be equally wonderfully weird or unusual.

And so, for the purposes of this example, we're going to be using the Potty Squatty marketing campaign.

Yes, you read that right. Pot Squatty.

Potty Squatty is a device designed to help people poop better Mobile Number List. You can imagine how difficult this product would be to sell given its subject matter. So how did they do it?

From there, we can see some key decisions:

example of a large video marketing campaign

Key decision: slogan
It would be a good idea to have some sort of slogan or tagline to define your campaign.

Squatty Potty used "This unicorn changed the way I poop."

It works because it captures the audience immediately Mobile Number List. Any sentence that includes the word unicorn and poo in the same sentence is pretty much guaranteed to stop people in their tracks.

Most importantly, it captures the atmosphere and humor of the ad, while conveying the function of the product.

Key decisions: aspects of your visual content

Some of the things you need to think about when designing how you are going to convey your communication goal through visuals:

Format (photo, video, a combination)
Reconciliation between educational purpose and entertainment factor
The advertisers behind Potty Squatty decided the topic was already a bit awkward Mobile Number List; so why not capitalize on this aspect for a humorous effect?

video marketing campaign 
A comedic tone was ideal as they were able to produce Mobile Number List a campaign that entertained people instead of making them uncomfortable.
More importantly, they had to design an advertisement that would educate consumers on how to use their product without showing real live demonstrations of it, because that would be just gross.