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Full Version: Dr Cheok acct of RK very damning on ET and her ..
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Dr already said RK no mental illness, so COP, please conclude and throw the whole book at her and for fking sake ET, please stop trying to be funny anymore

She obviously has her mental faculty intact when she lied and then continue to lie

It is a personality disorder, not a mental disorder

Dont try so hard to squeeze blood out of this stone

It is futile and a wasté of taxpayer's money

Wake up your fking idea ok!
Pap just want to get PS
This is a classic case of ownself score ownself own goal.
(02-01-2022, 02:42 PM)YummyKing Wrote: [ -> ]This is a classic case of ownself score ownself own goal.

But if PnP make a mistake and Oppo asked, they will shift the goal posts
the case revealed.... no leadership...."your call!".
she deserved guidance and mentorship but "your call!".
She is a leader in her ward and an adult she shall know what to do.
when you have a Private ran into a problem, you tell him "your call"? so whole battalion now behind enemy line. How?
Tell your enemy, the Private having "Disassociation" ?
Can't pin PS down provided there is concrete proof which there isn't and one party has no authority to teach another party how to communicate with each other

The whole COP is just one big mockery
WP should change strategy and admit there is short coming, don't need to be so defensive, the more they defend the more the "cat" will like to play you down. they are playing into "cat's" hand now.
If this continues..think GST will have to go 10%
All Opposition must fght with PAP rigorously to the end because they are out to fix you anyway and you are not voted into parliament to be compliant and subservient to PAP

That is the harsh reality of politics, here and in every country

Sinkiepoor politics is no fking different

You don't fix them, they will fix you 

Get fking real!