SG Talk

Full Version: University of Pennsylvania professor: 'The US is better off with fewer Asians'
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Quick quick get rid of Asians. I'd like to see the decline of US within my lifetime.
Asians are too meek and won't retaliate to what she said. If she said the same thing about Blacks or Hispanics, her outcome and state of health will be much different.
(05-01-2022, 08:42 PM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]Asians are too meek and won't retaliate to what she said. If she said the same thing about Blacks or Hispanics, her outcome and state of health will be much different.

Real reasons :

1. There are too few Asians in USA.

2. Asians in USA consists of very diverse roots and background. 

3. Many Asians are political refugees who have to please AMTK to continue as political refugees.

4. Some Asians are funded by CIA etc to help in their propaganda against certain actions, e.g. China.