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Full Version: Theranos verdict sends a chill through start-ups
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SAN FRANCISCO (AFP) - Fraud convictions this week for Theranos founder Elizabeth Holmes will send a chill through Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, insiders say, now they know there is the threat of jail for airy promises that come to nothing.

But with billions of dollars washing around the tech industry in search of the next big thing, the fake-it-til-you-make-it ethos is here to stay.

"Any start-up founder who believed that their technology wasn't there yet, but had faith that it ultimately would be should be very nervous," said Mr Aron Solomon, chief legal analyst at Esquire Digital, a marketing firm for attorneys.

"I'll bet you there are a lot of founders... right now who watched the trial and thought they have probably done some of the same things Elizabeth Holmes did," he said.

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Airy promise nice phrase aka scam and con