Forever rising...non stop. I think one will still be paying after dying.
Scrap Medisave and Medishield and replace it with a comprehensive scheme similar to Taiwan where nobody even the poorest have access to good healthcare and every including outpatient, dental and mental illness is covered
Singapore has highest out of pocket payments and most expensive medical cost on the people compare with all other developed societies in Asia - Japan, Taiwan, HK , S. Korea.
Taiwan is assessed to be No.1 in the world in 2019.
We should improve so that lives of Singaporeans can improve.
1. Have a fully integrated system without split between private and public care. Remove the data seams and allow for easier transitions.
2. Transform our system into Single.Payer system. Single Payer system helps to address unequal access to health care and make it accessible to even the poorest. Top healthcare nations are Single Payer Spain, France and Taiwan.
3. Train enough doctors and dentists so that cost is kept reasonable.
4. Restrict the private healthcare and medical tourism growth so it does not compete with poorer Singaporeans for medical resource.
Here is the Taiwan system.