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Australia, Japan to sign security co-operation treaty

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This is not mainly against China. They have been 'sold' to China so goods will continue to flow to the US despite US corporation Bankcruptcy.
The 2 have to take care of themselves as witnessed by AUKUS fiasco and Japan rejectons of many millions dozes  of contaminated vaccines.
Japan is aware of the situation. Others in the region are fast asleep or pretent to sleep.
That why we receive this intel:

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-01-06-23-38-31.png]
situation dire! Trump looks like one of them Geger intel missing in action last report sick
Australians were very scared the Japanese will reach their coast in WW2.
On the warfront
Kazakhstan citizens have mount a revolution the first of its kind
capturing army vehicles and soldiers.
reported as riots against some shortages.

War is intense. watch the many reports of 5G deployment of smoking heads

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-01-06-23-51-18.png]
Energy weapons used are descripted like this:

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-01-07-00-03-34.png]