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A recent study by Resia Pretorius and her team at Stellenbosch University in South Africa suggests that long COVID-19 may be triggered by microclots.
(08-01-2022, 07:47 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]A recent study by Resia Pretorius and her team at Stellenbosch University in South Africa suggests that long COVID-19 may be triggered by microclots.
Does the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines caused blood clots......?
Persistent clotting protein pathology in Long COVID/Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19
Desperately ill patients are told that their pathology test results are within normal/healthy ranges. Many are then told that their symptoms are possibly psychological and they should try meditation or exercise. 

The main reason the traditional lab tests do not pick up any of the inflammatory molecules is that they are trapped inside the fibrinolytic-resistant microclots (visible under a fluorescence or bright-field microscope, as our research has shown). When the molecular content of the soluble part of the plasma is measured, the inflammatory molecules, including auto-antibodies, are simply missed.

Preliminary results indicate that treatments such as antiplatelet and anticoagulation regimens have shown promising results in long Covid cases, provided there is careful professional monitoring of any danger of bleeding that might be caused by taking these medications. 

In addition to that, so-called Help (heparin-induced, extracorporal, lipoprotein/fibrinogen, precipitation) apheresis – in which microclots and inflammatory molecules are filtered out in a dialysis-style treatment – may also have positive outcomes for patients.
(08-01-2022, 08:40 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Desperately ill patients are told that their pathology test results are within normal/healthy ranges. Many are then told that their symptoms are possibly psychological and they should try meditation or exercise. 

The main reason the traditional lab tests do not pick up any of the inflammatory molecules is that they are trapped inside the fibrinolytic-resistant microclots (visible under a fluorescence or bright-field microscope, as our research has shown). When the molecular content of the soluble part of the plasma is measured, the inflammatory molecules, including auto-antibodies, are simply missed.

Preliminary results indicate that treatments such as antiplatelet and anticoagulation regimens have shown promising results in long Covid cases, provided there is careful professional monitoring of any danger of bleeding that might be caused by taking these medications. 

In addition to that, so-called Help (heparin-induced, extracorporal, lipoprotein/fibrinogen, precipitation) apheresis – in which microclots and inflammatory molecules are filtered out in a dialysis-style treatment – may also have positive outcomes for patients.
We still do not know the impact of Omicron virus will be like...
Doing meditation is a good recommendation. Staying very healthy is another one. This ensure the body metabolism is at their best.
Most people that died from covid are either very old and or very unhealthy.
The micro clots may have triggered the headache.
(09-01-2022, 09:51 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]The micro clots may have triggered the headache.

need to reduce inflammation
When SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, enters the body, its spike protein binds with the ACE2 receptor, gaining entry to the cell. The immune system responds by producing protective antibodies that bind to the invading virus, blocking or neutralizing its effects.

As a form of down-regulation, these protective antibodies can also cause immune responses with anti-idiotype antibodies. Over time, these anti-idiotype responses can clear the initial protective antibodies and potentially result in limited efficacy of antibody-based therapies.

"A fascinating aspect of the newly formed anti-idiotype antibodies is that some of their structures can be a mirror image of the original antigen and act like it in binding to the same receptors that the viral antigen binds. This binding can potentially lead to unwanted actions and pathology, particularly in the long term," Murphy said.
COVID-19 Can Affect the Blood. Its Spike Protein May Be ... › 2021 › 02 › 08 › covid-19-can-affect-the-blood-its-spike-protein-may-be-the-culprit
Makowski, who recently published his hypothesis in the journal Viruses, believes the spike protein found on the surface of the virus might mimic proteins that regulate blood vessels and control the formation of blood clots, which could explain many of the non-respiratory complications of COVID-19. The spike protein is an arm-like apparatus that