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Full Version: 'There is a loophole in system': Car accident victim unable to claim insurance
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If he had decided to let his insurance compance repair his vehicle, he wouldn't have had this problem.  But why did he choose to go to small workshops instead?
So stupid to spend $5k or $10k.
Go small workshop few hundreds can settle. Rotfl

No need to change to new part lah.
Go to your own insurer, but make sure that they formally give you a letter and agree that you are not at fault.
All my Car Workship friends say SG Car repair Jin Ho Tan. No other countries treat their car like SG owners. 10 time more expensive.
That was 1 time, one Malaysian motorist drove very fast and banged onto my car during rainy day in PIE.
I still tot he had Uplorry as he flew few metres away and I also jumped from my seat during the bang. It looked like a serious bang. Luckily, he stood up and walked to me. He apologised for his reckless driving. I asked him need to call ambulance, he said No. I checked my car, the dent was slightly better than the picture showed on above picture. I let him go. I did not make any report and accident claim.
(10-01-2022, 10:09 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]That was 1 time, one Malaysian motorist drove very fast and banged onto my car during rainy day in PIE.
I still tot he had Uplorry as he flew few metres away and I also jumped from my seat during the bang. It looked like a serious bang. Luckily, he stood up and walked to me. He apologised for his reckless driving. I asked him need to call ambulance, he said No. I checked my car, the dent was slightly better than the picture showed on above picture. I let him go. I did not make any report and accident claim.

You are lucky. I have a motorist who banged into my car but claimed that it's my fault. Unfortunately that time I didn't install a camera and the benefit of doubt went to him.
(10-01-2022, 10:09 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]That was 1 time, one Malaysian motorist drove very fast and banged onto my car during rainy day in PIE.
I still tot he had Uplorry as he flew few metres away and I also jumped from my seat during the bang. It looked like a serious bang. Luckily, he stood up and walked to me. He apologised for his reckless driving. I asked him need to call ambulance, he said No. I checked my car, the dent was slightly better than the picture showed on above picture. I let him go. I did not make any report and accident claim.

if the other party claimed against you you would be in trouble.
Any accident regardless you are at fault or no fault, bring it to your Insurance authorized car workshop.

Yo u will not have this problem
That’s really weird. Is it a legit legal loophole?
I will definitely ask my lawyer fromаr-accident-lawyer/ about this because it looks like an extremely easy way to avoid any issues with the insurance.
However, I think it’s a unique case, and it’s not usually possible, especially when the police come to investigate the scene. I’ve never been a part of a road accident, but I think it’s not that simple to avoid responsibility in such a case. Am I wrong? Is there a way to make the other party report the accident?