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Full Version: Did the CPC really conceal Covid? Here’s the timeline, so you can check for yourself.
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Did the CPC really conceal Covid? Here’s the timeline, so you can check for yourself.
"... Dec 27. Wuhan’s Dr. Zhang Jixian detects & reports suspicious cases of a ‘pneumonia of unknown origin’ to CCDC. Three more patients arrive, all related to Huanan Seafood Market.

Dec. 30. Wuhan Municipal Health Committee issues notice of an unknown viral illness.

Dec 31. A team from Beijing investigates, informs the WHO of “cases of pneumonia unknown etiology.” Since no medical worker was infected, they find no evidence of human-to-human transmission, and verify this on January 4. Wuhan announces the virus on CCTV and CGTN.

December. CDC tests archived Red Cross blood samples from this month, discovers 4–6 million Americans were Covid seropositive...."

he'd already made it very clear.

4 to 6m blood samples collected in December 2019 already tested positive.

let's hear what tua bui has to say about it