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Yesterday night I thought alot about PM Lee's National Day message in which he acknowledged Singaporeans's anxiety and competition from foreigners for jobs and social friction. He concluded that we still need more foreigners. But really what is his VISION for our future? 

The current crisis is prolonged but will no doubt end at some point in time and we will go back to business as usual. Besides rolling along on the same old game plan, is there more we can look forward to?

Look around us. We can see that without a clear vision countries are led to poor outcomes. Look at the USA. Look at Europe, Greece, UK and Italy - the quality of life peaked and declined even as GDP grows.

Look at countries that have done well - Norway, Finland and Sweden and what they have done differently and what underpins of their success?

If you ask a Singaporean if he knows what is our vision for the future, he will look lost. He does not know how to contribute to it. 

We have been drifting along for far too long with the leadership just
 using old formulas like importing people to boost GDP for 2 decades.

If we just drift along we will inherit all the problems of highly to troubled western societies. Inequality, social disparity and rising poverty. Importing more and more people pushes up the cost of living and worsens everything but it seems that is the only trick they know.

As record number of Singaporeans go through our education system to end up as food delivery workers and PHV drivers or under employed PMETs,  clearly the heart of the issue is poor development of our human capital. We have the lowest quotas for students entering university among all the developed countries in Asia. We have a shortage of doctors and dentists but we failed to train more. We have a shortage of IT professionals.but import instead of train our own people. Equally small countries like Norway, Finland and Israel harness their human capital well and do not import anywhere near the number of foreigners as we do.

After 5 decades, we are still unable to break out of a paternalistic semi authoritarian rule in which a overbearing power elite structure rule over the citizens. Excessive remuneration, close ties and network of govt linked businesses leads is extractive in nature hence resulting in growing gaps, unlevel playing field and structural inefficiencies.  State linked enterprises should be restructured over time and the practice of parachuting elites into them stopped.

As the song goes, "We have a Vision for Tomorrow" what is it? Does any one know?
In singspore..we just leave it to the Govt to do all their planning. Good luck.
We need real meritocracy system not elitism system.
It has already shown elites do no guarantee results.
Elites will also make serious mistakes.
Yet, nobody needs to hold responsibility and an apology made, can get them out of trouble.(太儿戏了)

No eyes to see Sg roting day by day.
"If we just drift along we will inherit all the problems of highly to troubled western societies. Inequality, social disparity and rising poverty. Importing more and more people pushes up the cost of living and worsen everything but it seems that is the only trick they know.

As the song goes, "We have a Vision for Tomorrow" what is it? Does any one know?"

He concludes that we need more foreigners.

The answer is in the last sentence, and that is CECA!
Some1 said this and it struck me.

"No Citizens, no loyalty.

No loyalty, No country.

That is why Singapore is not a Country but a City".
(09-08-2021, 07:51 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]As the song goes, "We have a Vision for Tomorrow" what is it? Does any one know?

you cannot ask a monopoly system for vision.
when you have monopoly, there is no need for vision because others depend on you and you do not depend on others.
(09-08-2021, 10:06 AM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]Some1 said this and it struck me.

"No Citizens, no loyalty.

No loyalty, No country.

That is why Singapore is not a Country but a City".

Under the pap in the last 20yrs S'pore became more of a hub than a nation.
Most of the things done is to lure and please t outside world that's how we end up with foreigners being happier here than our own citizens!

Continue down this path another few yrrs... What happens?
It takes a generational or two to reset and set a new course for a vision.

The Singaporean dream for the current young generation is to earn alot of money by doing what they choose to do or like.

How is this possible? Our Government and Parents (nation builders) saved enough to give them the financial assurance to chart their own path.
For new vision, you must get rid of the old and outdated vision of today.
Based on past, our visiion is to be valid on the World Map. So we must chase after New Technology to be forefront of the World.
(09-08-2021, 07:51 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Yesterday night I thought alot about PM Lee's National Day message in which he acknowledged Singaporeans's anxiety and competition from foreigners for jobs and social friction. He concluded that we still need more foreigners. But really what is his VISION for our future? 

You must be kidding or crazy to have such expectations from the current leadership. You need visionary leaders to fulfil that mission.

You have such leaders or not? Looks like you only have dumb yes men sitting up there. Even if there is one, the kiasu and kiasi population wud chose to stay status quo and vote in this same bunch. ..... Rolleyes
Aiyah, just make your money and don't worry ok. Simi vision. Nobody cares and if you do, you'll be left disillusioned.