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Full Version: S'pore couple wedding dinner cancelled dispute with restaurant
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$75 pax for wedding dinner is very cheap.
Don't really understand why there is a big dispute.
He buay song because previously it was around $55 per pax.  What a cheapo Laughing
there isn't price increase as what he said.

he changed the menu and expected the same rate.
He sounds like an azzhole to me. If he kept quiet nobody would know he is an azzhole. Dun think the marriage can last very long for a woman living with a character like this....... Rolleyes
(11-01-2022, 10:08 AM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]He sounds like an azzhole to me. If he kept quiet nobody would know he is an azzhole. Dun think the marriage can last very long for a woman living with a character like this....... Rolleyes

birds of a feather

most likely same kind.

good luck to them.

may be should cancel the wedding completely, not just the dinner.

wah, creating a scene for their big day? siao bo? just let the restaurant make a bit and leave a good memory lor
$36 X 100pax at most is $3.6K only plus 10% give you 5K also can make back from angbao lah.
see money like bullock cart wheel arh?
(11-01-2022, 07:44 AM)BigBossX Wrote: [ -> ]

Food so so only ..not nice
No fixed date no deposit …. complain what?
If you fixed date place a deposit … then you can complain 
Cheapo self entitled strawberries
(11-01-2022, 09:40 AM)drgn Wrote: [ -> ]there isn't price increase as what he said.

he changed the menu and expected the same rate.

Much as I guessed... Lol

Some people miss the forest for the trees... Make sure the tree bears fruits.
Don't know how many tables the couple reserved.

But normal biz practise is there will be a official quote with dishes stated, followed by acceptance of quote by the couple.

If these are not formalized or just in sms, then it become you have your understanding, restaurant have theirs.

Who is on the losing end? Definitely not the restaurant, coz the couple is just one of the many customers, but to the couple, that's the big day in their life time and they didn't manage the risk properly.