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Full Version: KTV : 88 people under investigation for violation of safe distancing
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I seriously don't understand why the need to go to KTV...

Just get freelancer and settle the problem quickly if really have to eat out...

Else just find 五妹
(10-08-2021, 10:40 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]I seriously don't understand why the need to go to KTV...

Just get freelancer and settle the problem quickly if really have to eat out...

Else just find 五妹
not always about the tabao like drink kopi with friends…ktv got air con, can smoke, got girl..
(10-08-2021, 10:43 PM)pervertosan Wrote: [ -> ]not always about the tabao like drink kopi with friends…ktv got air con, can smoke, got girl..
Actually smoking in aircon place smells really bad once you leave the place after a couple of hours...

All your clothes will smell very bad too...

Maybe I grew out of it liao after a decade or more not going to KTV. Lol