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Full Version: Anybody knows where to buy A B epoxy that comes in a tub.
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The salesman came to my market to sell.
But after my experience with the superglue thing, I decided not to buy after his demo and check online.

The cost is $50. You mix equal amount from 2 tubs... mix and use like plastercine.  It hardens to stone like hardness. The hardness level is far higher that those normal epoxy from hardware shop like Bondite.

During the demo the sales guy gave me  marble made using the epoxy. He asked me to thrown on the floor to try to break it... I tried but couldn't. It also harden to a white color which makes it useful for certain repair.

After that I went home to search online for the product may be can get for $10.....but it cannot be found. Went back the next day to buy but the seller not longer around.

Anyone knows where to buy it let me know
I find it useless. A tube mixes with B tube. Not effective. They claim to be able to fix metal. Not lasting and it breaks easily. Hardware shops have different brands. Had tried many types. They are expensive and it is cheaper to buy the whole metal parts.
(16-01-2022, 09:53 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]I find it useless. A tube mixes with B tube. Not effective. They claim to be able to fix metal. Not lasting and it breaks easily.
These days there are lots of glue in the market, but the prices vary much in some cases.....