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Full Version: 'Freer debates' in Parliament encouraged but 'out of order' MPs will be stopped
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'Freer debates' in Parliament encouraged but 'out of order' MPs will be stopped from speaking: Tan Chuan-Jin
We should have a speaker in this forum also.
But out of order VB was not stopped.
And who'll stop an out of order speaker?
I can crack the whip ala bdsm Big Grin
Does what Tan Chuan-Jin say contain any substance?? Want freer debates, mean last time debate not as free/liberal..

If anyone say/did anything against the law in parliament, of course they have to be punished according to the law..
Ha...he seems to be referring to a certain LMW.
(19-01-2022, 09:36 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]'Freer debates' in Parliament encouraged but 'out of order' MPs will be stopped from speaking: Tan Chuan-Jin

OKY should stop talking...very irritating
When a proposition losses a debate is out of order la.😄
So dun need to question anymore.
I agree that Tan CJ should step down because he did not show neutrality and able to allow depth of questions for many topics.

Why is he hired as a Gate Keeper?