SG Talk

Full Version: US nuclear submarine 'can blow up an entire continent' was unexpectedly sent to Guam
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According to a notice from the US Navy, the Ohio-class USS Nevada carrying nuclear ballistic missiles arrived in Guam on January 15.

The Ohio-class USS Nevada is the world's most powerful nuclear submarine when it can carry 20 Trident II nuclear ballistic missiles to a naval base in Guam - a US territory in the Pacific Ocean.

Until now, the Ohio-class submarine is still the weapon carrying the world's most terrible nuclear missile arsenal. It is known that each Trident II D-5 nuclear ballistic missile is capable of carrying from 8 to 14 independent nuclear warheads. Each warhead has a maximum yield of up to 475kt, while the nuclear bomb dropped to obliterate the Japanese city of Hiroshima only has an explosive equivalent of 12kt.

An Ohio-class strategic nuclear submarine capable of carrying up to 24 Trident II nuclear missiles. With this total number of nuclear warheads, an Ohio-class nuclear submarine can generate as much destructive power as the total number of bombs used by both sides in World War II. And so once they have concentrated their attack missiles. then even a continent will be wiped out.
So.........if kena struck on Assmericunt home ground..........finito