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Full Version: Why BioNTech, Moderna, and Novavax Stocks Are Sinking
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Results from an Israeli study found that a fourth dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine didn't prevent infection by the omicron variant.

Novavax is sliding due to the Moderna CEO's comments on Monday that his company could launch a combo COVID-19/flu/RSV vaccine by winter 2023.
the marketing teams shd work harder. think out of the box or hire new marketing gurus
No la...because most gov finish their vaccination liao.
mRNA vaccines are supposed to block the viruses from entering the cells.

Now, the viruses can enter the cells, they are promoting this. 

Covid Treatment: Pfizer Pill costs USD530 for 30 pills per course per person per 1 week.

It is hard to play these stocks because they pay a lot of dividends quarterly like water pipes. There is tax to be paid as you are a foreigner.