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Full Version: Will Local Bsnks Be Merged into One?
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Last time they were talking about this, not sure how true it is. Sad
OUB was merged into UOB
Tat Lee Bank merged with Keppel Bank then Keppel Tatlee Bank was acquired by OCBC
POSB is now under DBS
If they merge, consumers will suffer. Nowadays, all three local banks are starting to reject annual fee waivers for credit cards. Only the foreign banks automatically give waivers. Imagine what else the local banks will try to do to extract more money from us.
(20-01-2022, 02:46 PM)starbugs Wrote: [ -> ]If they merge, consumers will suffer. Nowadays, all three local banks are starting to reject annual fee waivers for credit cards. Only the foreign banks automatically give waivers. Imagine what else the local banks will try to do to extract more money from us.

They want to merge them to create a bigger bank to compete in overseas.