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Full Version: Recovered from Covid, Exercise can be harmful
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Busby said: “Athletes who were confirmed Covid cases but asymptomatic were suffering heart damage weeks after the virus had gone.”

She continued: “It turns out it's best not to exercise when you have Covid.

“This is because your immune system response to Covid is already high - resulting in high inflammation in your body.

“Exercise also increases inflammation and can increase your risk of damaging your heart tissue or muscles post-Covid.”

The nutritionist explained that this might be due to coronavirus “potentially” being a multi-organ disease.
Were they vax?
Most vaxed and recovered from Covid have side effects.
They have their experiences... vaxed
cos heart and lungs under repair.
so after infected with covid-19. did moh send message to tell one to go take booster shot. did any other government also demand that one must have booster shot to have valid vaccination status.
quite unthinkable when a person who is already infected, recovered in year 2022 to be asked to go for booster shot to have vaccination status as valid. the real thing that has activated the immunity response is less then a vaccine boost?