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Full Version: US F35C crashed into aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson
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How to fight?  

US wayang shown live to China.   

[Image: F35C01.png]

Navy fighter jet crashes during carrier landing in South China Sea - ABC News (    

(25-01-2022, 01:09 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all the commies dogs here so happy, why china still dont attack? because they are 100x more junk. watch below, PLA jet crash so often inside china, not even out of their own land, hahaa.................
steal & copy cat, produce all rubbish yet not enough jet fighters with 1.4B population.
key parts rely on import, no high endIC to perform calculation, totally cannot fight, can only bark like commie dogs here, have you ever saw PLA in full war? use knives to fight indian army?



解放軍先進戰機“不戰自毀”! 揭露中共無力對台美開戰的病根, 中國軍機“自主”引擎研發騙局。

解放軍先進戰機“不戰自毀”! 揭露中共無力對台美開戰的病根, 中國軍機“自主”引擎研發騙局。
Kokee feeling sad for Yank Daddy Rotfl
(25-01-2022, 01:30 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Kokee feeling sad for Yank Daddy Rotfl

KOKee should mourn for 1 year!  Rotfl
Alam Kock, You see very up your daddy US.   

But why in Ukraine, Your daddy only hide behind and let Ukraine to face Russia alone. Don't post so much of your flg fake news here.    

US only sent 5,000 troop just behind the scene and wont fight with Russia. 5,000 is nothing when Russia is having hundreds of thousand men at the front line.      

Alam Kock, 

You put video by Vlog and Leonard and claimed others' info is rubbish.  

Who is Vlog and who is Leonard? From which Kinder Garten?   

I show you news from Australia Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) at least it is from national news body.   

[Image: F35C01.png]

The blind followers of America cannot accept that American aircraft can clashed on their aircraft carrier.

As such they would start their posting by name calling to claim a stand of upper hand and also to show that the Chinese are inferior than the American.

It’s sad to see such blind follower exist, but it’s a good example for everyone to recognise that we need to open our eyes and mind. Not every Chinese commies are bad and certainly not all democratic Americans are good.

We should support those who does the right thing, by name calling does not necessary meant the person being called are evil. Instead it reflect the person immature and rather weak in analysing the situations, because they cannot sees things objectively. Simply condemning the Chinese for the sake of condemning…that’s just plain biased. How can such views be taken seriously?
suicide mission possible?
(25-01-2022, 03:52 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]suicide mission possible?

Could be on drugs also?
(25-01-2022, 03:55 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Could be on drugs also?
I don't believe so.....
(25-01-2022, 04:01 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]I don't believe so.....

Likely press wrong Button
(25-01-2022, 05:48 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Likely press wrong Button

That could be one reason......
(25-01-2022, 01:45 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]communist russia want to attack ukraine, communist china fly jets in taiwan straits almost everyday, looking for fight, stir for war.
this is communist & nazi, they will be destroyed eventually like germany & Italy in WW2.
same as NK, all these dictators, core of evil, threatening the peaceful world everyday in all ways, same to all commie dogs here, spam lies & BS using their communist sources of fake to brainwash brainless here.
bully & attack the weak one, all these moronic hooligans here, they almost get all their cases wrong & lost because all lies.





china has their own fighter jet? copy russia? can fight F35? my foot, F16? my foot.
all these moronic commie clowns here, spam rubbish lies to make themselves feel good, all lies.
ccp china master, russia, heard F35, their pants all wet, haha......


(25-01-2022, 06:15 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china has their own fighter jet? copy russia? can fight F35? my foot, F16? my foot.
all these moronic commie clowns here, spam rubbish lies to make themselves feel good, all lies.
ccp china master, russia, heard F35, their pants all wet, haha......


Alam Kock "俄強大電子戰被F-35廢掉!"   

Now F35 being demolished by China electronic warfare.   

Didn't China already warned not to send aircraft carriers to China shore?    

(25-01-2022, 09:42 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Alam Kock "俄強大電子戰被F-35廢掉!"   

Now F35 being demolished by China electronic warfare.   

Didn't China already warned not to send aircraft carriers to China shore?    

There are a few American aircraft carriers in the South China Sea now..........
(25-01-2022, 09:42 PM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Alam Kock "俄強大電子戰被F-35廢掉!"   

Now F35 being demolished by China electronic warfare.   

Didn't China already warned not to send aircraft carriers to China shore?    

BEING WARNED... crying Big Grin
(25-01-2022, 05:50 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]That could be one reason......
BEING WARNED...... Crying
(25-01-2022, 09:46 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]There are a few American aircraft carriers in the South China Sea now..........

Just give a lesson is good enough and to give some face to America.  

Probably US won't be too provocative.  

So the catch is always need to buy extra?
Aircraft carriers in the ocean are just sitting ducks waiting for Dongfeng missiles to hit.   

Just press a few buttons. That why all the US carrier bases all shifting out of first chain in Japan to second chain at Guam.   

Another way is just electronic disturbing so that US own fighter jets crashed into own aircraft carriers.     Laughing      

US Navy ship crashed case was more exaggerating, this is still a small case lah. The navy ship ended in scrap workshop due to high cost of repairing.
(26-01-2022, 06:55 AM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]US Navy ship crashed case was more exaggerating, this is still a small case lah. The navy ship ended in scrap workshop due to high cost of repairing.

You mean that nuclear submarine?
(26-01-2022, 06:39 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]Aircraft carriers in the ocean are just sitting ducks waiting for Dongfeng missiles to hit.   

Just press a few buttons. That why all the US carrier bases all shifting out of first chain in Japan to second chain at Guam.   

Another way is just electronic disturbing so that US own fighter jets crashed into own aircraft carriers.     Laughing      


those recent us/tw incidents or accidents could be part of ahtiong's electronic warfare

Alam, 你说的是你这民族败类的美爹吧!  

(26-01-2022, 08:30 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]those recent us/tw incidents or accidents could be part of ahtiong's electronic warfare

I think so .

Electronic warfare is strong for tiong. 

(25-01-2022, 06:15 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china has their own fighter jet? copy russia? can fight F35? my foot, F16? my foot.
all these moronic commie clowns here, spam rubbish lies to make themselves feel good, all lies.
ccp china master, russia, heard F35, their pants all wet, haha......



all these moronic commie dogs here bark lies to brainwash brainless here everyday. china military weapons which one is not steal or copy cat? hypesonic missile from russia, jet from russia & almost all.
china has totally no experience in modern war, bark for 72 yrs & taiwan also no balls to act, real joke & all these commie clowns here, bark like crazy dogs here day & night.

台海F 35數量驚人 共軍出戰必敗!

台海F 35數量驚人 共軍出戰必敗!
Kokee wants China to copy USA F35 so can crush own AC.🤣🤣🤣
(26-01-2022, 09:26 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]I think so .

Electronic warfare is strong for tiong. 


[Image: Screenshot-20220126-105226-Chrome.jpg]

ahtiongs are in the forefront of 5g/6g technologies, and millions of stem graduates each year, nothing is impossible to them
(26-01-2022, 10:43 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these moronic commie dogs here bark lies to brainwash brainless here everyday. china military weapons which one is not steal or copy cat? hypesonic missile from russia, jet from russia & almost all.
china has totally no experience in modern war, bark for 72 yrs & taiwan also no balls to act, real joke & all these commie clowns here, bark like crazy dogs here day & night.

台海F 35數量驚人 共軍出戰必敗!

Alam: "台海F 35數量驚人 共軍出戰必敗!"    



不用打了!   自己打自己就够了。别整天传法轮功假信息吧!

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