SG Talk

Full Version: What's going on in Urumqi Xinjiang ھەقىقىي شىنجاڭ ھاياتى (Surreal Experience)
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just 2 days ago, France paliament passed bill on xinjiang 维族种族灭绝. Whole world so many country already pass & confirm, still deny what is going on in xinjiang jail? how many millions? why are they there?
France pass, EU will move together.
commie dogs everyday brainwash brainless here. lick & lick here everyday, super ugly.


Watch the pretty Uyghur lady play guitar singing pop song.
(25-01-2022, 05:45 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]just 2 days ago, France paliament passed bill on xinjiang 维族种族灭绝. Whole world so many country already pass & confirm, still deny what is going on in xinjiang jail? how many millions? why are they there?
France pass, EU will move together.
commie dogs everyday brainwash brainless here. lick & lick here everyday, super ugly.



All these are western propaganda and fake news to smear China, watch the video with your own eyes lah.