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Funny, how come the daily totals all swee swee one.

[Image: Screenshot-2021-08-13-14-43-20-91-5e4b06...935712.jpg]

[Image: Screenshot-2021-08-12-15-36-51-21-5e4b06...935712.jpg]
why they never ask for oxygen tank?
For convenience sake...lazy to count... or lack of resources in reporting
stdbye LD. till sept 11.
Must the cantonese personnel managing the data. lol
If this figure happens to b here, sure die one...revolt n chaos!
Mad hatter land so big n bountiful , can afford to have imbeciles to govern it.
Pity those victims of an all time incompetent Ketuanan government
(13-08-2021, 08:14 PM)Richly Wrote: [ -> ]Pity those victims of an all time incompetent Ketuanan government

Is bw2013 in Bolehland?