18-07-2021, 07:00 PM
In Belgium, which styles itself the world capital of chocolate, it is accredited to supply the royal court of Philippe, king of the Belgians, alongside the likes of Godiva and Leonidas.
Among the many businesses knocked temporarily out of action by the unprecedented inundation was the Galler factory, home to one of the country's iconic luxury chocolate brands.
Built on the banks of the now churning Vesdre river, in Vaux-sous-Chevremont in Chaudfontaine commune outside the city of Liege, the plant ships high-end bars to aficionados as far away as Japan.
But, after a week of torrential rains sent waves of water surging down the narrow valleys of this former coal-mining area near the German border, part of the front wall of the plant has collapsed.
"The factory has been here since 1976. We've never known a flood in Vaux-sous-Chevremont," Stefenatto sighed.
Among the many businesses knocked temporarily out of action by the unprecedented inundation was the Galler factory, home to one of the country's iconic luxury chocolate brands.
Built on the banks of the now churning Vesdre river, in Vaux-sous-Chevremont in Chaudfontaine commune outside the city of Liege, the plant ships high-end bars to aficionados as far away as Japan.
But, after a week of torrential rains sent waves of water surging down the narrow valleys of this former coal-mining area near the German border, part of the front wall of the plant has collapsed.
"The factory has been here since 1976. We've never known a flood in Vaux-sous-Chevremont," Stefenatto sighed.