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Full Version: Germany's plan to ship 5,000 military helmets to Ukraine
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That's not nearly enough for Ukraine. Kiev's Mayor Vitali Klitschko called the 5,000 helmets an "absolute joke". In the US there are doubts as to whether Germany can be counted on in the Ukraine crisis.

Background: Last month, Russia handed the US a draft agreement in which the Kremlin demands “security guarantees” in Europe. Among other things, Putin called for an end to the eastward expansion of NATO, which Russia allegedly sees as a threat. In particular, the Kremlin wants to prevent Ukraine from being included in the western defense alliance.

The US and NATO, in turn, suspect Russian President Vladimir Putin of planning an invasion of neighboring Ukraine after he deployed troops on the country's border. The Kremlin rejects these fears.

Russia continues to move troops
Germany really 人在江湖 身不由己.