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Full Version: I will NOT be vaccinated. AND PROUD OF IT!!!
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(13-08-2021, 06:20 PM)pinkypanther Wrote: [ -> ]

[Image: lgCNBf7.png]

I am a vegan so i decided not to be vaccinated.
(13-08-2021, 07:31 PM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]I am a vegan so i decided not to be vaccinated.

It is cruelty against animal use them as experiment guinea pig, and also the vaccine i hearsay are make from egg, 
so i will not go for vaccination even if it is put into law, which i dont think they will do so. rather dies of covid then rebirth as covid viruses.
Wow so stylo milo. He can sit one corner and watch us eat juicy duck.
You can be proud of it, as long as you don't go around telling people don't take vaccine..

Just like you don't like it when some keep discriminating, scaring, intimating, bullying those who are not vaccinated.