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Full Version: Siao liao, Afghanistan gonna be taken over
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by Taliban. US wants to wash their hands off Afghanistan but in the end they may be haunted by it.
Now US is asking Taliban to spare its embassy. Will this happen?
Where's UN forces?
Afghan party leader lambasts US.

Quote:Dr. Latif Pedram (Pedram), leader of the National Congress Party (NCP) of Afghanistan and a former Member of Parliament, said that the hasty withdrawal of the US and NATO troops from Afghanistan left “a devastated land and political system tainted with blood and hatred.” Pedram believes that the former Soviet Union and the US both failed in the country, and China is eyeing a constructive role in the future economic and social reconstruction of the war-torn country.
Good lah. Assmeria will be kicked out and in come China for trade and the silk road
20 years effort overthrown in mere weeks...
Vietnam story replaying in Afghanistan!
Wow Taliban to win again

Remember they defeated the soviet backed regime many yrs ago
(13-08-2021, 08:11 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]20 years effort overthrown in mere weeks...

now refugees fleeing.
(13-08-2021, 08:47 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Wow Taliban to win again

Remember they defeated the soviet backed regime many yrs ago
you rarely drift?. Big Grin
The scene during the escape of Vietnam war, US sent helicopters to rescue those stuck in the embassy.
It had to land on rooftops and the people had to climb up by ropes.
a lot of politically naive people here...........
Just like Korea War, Vietnam War, ..., Iraq War, ..., Yankee trash made all those who licked their balls to be beheaded. 

The hardcore lesson: dun anyhow to lick Yankee trash's ball. You lick you die!  lol
20 years ago, Yankees chased away Taliban and 20 years later the US negotiated with Taliban before pullout asking thdm not to attack the US force.