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Full Version: Trudeau flees Canada capital as 50k furious anti-vaccine mandate protests spark chaos
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Backside of little potato kena kicked?  nudie
Ofcos lar insult people somemore
It is lucky Singapore PAP doesn't have such protest with their enforced policy of taking Pfizer against the choice of other deactivated vaccines.  

Their placards "I call my shots" and "My child, My Choice". Why shouldn't let parents choose the vaccine for their children especially mRNA can kill the child?  


[Image: 9-C31-A05-F-1-F0-F-4-B41-A899-DCDB175372-F7.jpg]
(31-01-2022, 06:30 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]It is lucky Singapore PAP doesn't have such protest with their enforced policy of taking Pfizer against the choice of other deactivated vaccines.  

Their placards "I call my shots" and "My child, My Choice". Why shouldn't let parents choose the vaccine for their children especially mRNA can kill the child?  


pointless harping
its all hope
only hope 6/10 will think like 4/10 thinks
then again hope that the oppo who become ruler will listen to what they say.

didnt people who kick out trump hope biden is better?
sama2 la. but anyway i also want the chg.
not for anything but just tired.
He cried

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-01-31-12-40-47.png]
Nuremberg 2.0 crimina conference
This ah gua with fake eyebrows should be taught a lesson.
Crocodile tears leh
Democrazy in the west churns out all the rubbish leaders ..

We have stupid peiole who blindly want erection n vote in monkeys, worse than trumpet, boriss, joe dinkey, mud hatter, sukarto v itchy to go to war.

不满加拿大政府落实跨境疫苗强制令 反疫苗分子占领街头示威| 八点最热报 06/02/2022

(08-02-2022, 09:54 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]

Canada suppression of people............?
(08-02-2022, 10:07 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]Canada suppression of people............?

Freedom Convoy Protesters Speak to RT

The Canadian government 'has reacted like a dictatorship' to the 'Freedom Convoy' truckers
(31-01-2022, 06:30 AM)webinarian Wrote: [ -> ]It is lucky Singapore PAP doesn't have such protest with their enforced policy of taking Pfizer against the choice of other deactivated vaccines.  

Their placards "I call my shots" and "My child, My Choice". Why shouldn't let parents choose the vaccine for their children especially mRNA can kill the child?  


People can also die while doing NS.

How many things are you going to exert your right "My child my choice"?

If you don't like this government, vote then out by all means.

And if you think Pritam Singh will abolish NS, or even handle the pandemic better, you must be joking man....
This is the trouble with full fledged western style of government that allows freedom of speech, of assembly, or taking marijuana, of keeping a gun in your house.

Just look at forums and various online media

Give people a bit of freedom, and they abused it.

This is why SgTalk needs to be monitored, and I would urge the government to arrest some people when it's time to do so, and deal with them....and publish their names and photos on all print and online media here...because now, they think they can hide behind their keyboard, yeah?
(09-02-2022, 12:27 PM)Oyk Wrote: [ -> ]People can also die while doing NS.

How many things are you going to exert your right "My child my choice"?

If you don't like this government, vote then out by all means.

And if you think Pritam Singh will abolish NS, or even handle the pandemic better, you must be joking man....
Singapore being a small nation with limited manpower, we need to form a citizen's army.....It should never be abolished....that will be a big mistake if we go and do away with NS.....
Silly canadians didnot know dat trump anti vax supporters r causing all the trounbes in canada with aim of overthrowing the erected govt.

N become the 53rd state of assmerica
(09-02-2022, 12:53 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]Singapore being a small nation with limited manpower, we need to form a citizen's army.....It should never be abolished....that will be a big mistake if we go and do away with NS.....

Well said.

And by extension of your point, looking at the millions of cases in the US and India......if we have at first an uncontrolled, and then uncontrollable, outbreak, it will wipe out what little number of people we have.

The actions of some selfish and/or cowardly people should never be allowed to hold the rest of the population at ransom.

【全球現場日報】反疫苗強制令 加國卡車司機癱瘓美加邊境大橋|美"第二先生"訪高中遇炸彈威脅 任德龍虛驚一場 @全球大視野 20220209

Freedom Convoy: Canada trucker protests force car plant shutdowns


‘Freedom Convoy’ Truckers arrested
while Canadian truckers are blocking the  Ambassador Bridge into Detroit, Michigan to Windsor, Ontario worth 511B in Business,
UN has shown her Hand...

[Image: Screenshot-2022-02-12-PARIS-FRANCE-BARAC...CONVOY.png]
[Image: 5-D06-EE58-4-CE2-4-DAE-8-D83-D94-A94586-F9-D.jpg]
Talk kok sing song
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