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Full Version: UK: LONG COVID patients may have hidden lung damage that identified in scans.
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Top scientists from the universities of Oxford, Cardiff, Sheffield and Manchester discovered the findings after comparing scans from three groups of people. The researchers used a novel xenon gas scan to detect abnormalities in the lungs of patients.
Science doesn't cheat or mislead.simple logic.
Some who are mild cases and recovered still have side effects. Their productivity levels have decreased.
Long Covid study finds abnormality in lungs that could explain breathlessness

Findings raise possibility Covid may cause microscopic damage not detected by normal tests

“Rehabilitation strategies are really helpful,” she said. “We can make progress and set people on the right track, so people [shouldn’t] think ‘I’ve got lung damage and so there’s no point’.”
Athena Akrami, a neuroscientist at University College London, said that she was still experiencing symptoms 16 months after becoming infected with coronavirus, adding: “There are likely to be tens of thousands of long Covid patients suffering in silence, unsure that their symptoms are connected to Covid-19.