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Full Version: Putin: Olympic
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Ukraine originally is part of USSR

With so many pretty gers, everyone also wish to own it, including China
(06-02-2022, 09:54 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]95 country participate only 25 country send representative to attend open ceremony, most of them are not president or pm level, very low level govt official represent their country there, attendents are super low compared to last winter olympic in korea.
fatty xi throw dinner for those attendents, putin absent after signing a huge 30 yrs energy agreement with xi, slept thru open ceremony, fxxk off the dinner.
anyway, almost all western world dont bother & never telecast this game, no attention & worst ever olympic show.

北京冬奧尷尬開場 95國參賽僅25國官員出席

北京冬奧尷尬開場 95國參賽僅25國官員出席

普京跟习近平似“谈砸了”:普京 故意缺席国宴,让习近平 丢面子

普京跟习近平似“谈砸了”:普京 故意缺席国宴,让习近平 丢面子

all the moronic commie dogs here, lick putin thought he will support ccp china to fight taiwan & the world? my foot, fat & wet dream of commies here, norm.
putin signed contract with china for 30 yrs supply of energy, russia can have 30 yrs of great income, mision achieved, olympic? fly kite, he slept all the way in open ceremony, did not attend dinner, now left china although he supposed to be there for 48 hrs, but left in 9 hrs, who fxxk care of china.
look at fatty xi in open ceremony, cant even walk properly? face like shit.



