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Full Version: Obamao is back…
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[Image: 1-F817-DFC-BB2-B-4-BD3-BB93-10-EE9172-BB7-F.jpg]
just released?
(09-02-2022, 05:32 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]just released?

(09-02-2022, 05:25 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 1-F817-DFC-BB2-B-4-BD3-BB93-10-EE9172-BB7-F.jpg]

Cup A miNus
(09-02-2022, 05:36 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]Cup A miNus
That is a batang lah..........notice the beard and mustache .......
[Image: AUA8ALf.jpg]

[Image: A7-B486-A9-E1-AE-4-B80-9133-6660-F69265-F9.gif]
[Image: DE1-BCF20-9-EBF-476-C-B475-C8582-D4983-CF.gif]
[Image: 5-B84-F9-AD-6-A57-4-AD8-84-C9-A0138-E4-A228-F.png]
 need ur help for GCR against Klaus Schwab Great Reset

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-02-09-18-30-50.png]
updated to 09022022
Led by Canadian Trucker/Farmer Protestors Against Mandates, the Freedom Movement across the globe was waking up the masses – that was bound to lead to Global Martial Law – a changeover from Crown Maritime Law to 1776 Constitutional Law.
we now have 3 types:
Law of the Land(colored)
Law of the Sea (Crown Maritime Law) prevailing
Law of the Land(1776 Constitutional Law)man are born free
Jordan Maxwell starts the ball rolling
(09-02-2022, 05:42 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]That is a batang lah..........notice the beard and mustache .......

[Image: PvlFdAD.jpeg]

(09-02-2022, 06:16 PM)Obamao Wrote: [ -> ]路过罢了。

You have a new comrade :

(附字幕) 李彤「外交短評」阿根廷總統瞻仰毛主席紀念堂。阿國駐華大使說:「沒有共產黨沒有新中國。」習主席讚好。 22年2月8日