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Full Version: 76th Anniversary of Japanese Surrender
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[Image: Screenshot-20210815-124546.jpg]

Better ask the Jepun to balik kampong. They like to lick the ass of Assmerica

(15-08-2021, 12:50 PM)klat Wrote: [ -> ]Better ask the Jepun to balik kampong. They like to lick the ass of Assmerica

They think that they are the most superior Asian race and feel ashamed to be Asians!  Rotfl


[Image: Screenshot-2021-07-21-20-14-34-19-680d03...270fe7.jpg]

Better surrender before they nuke Tokyo.
a sad day for syonan cag and loser
(15-08-2021, 12:46 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ].

[Image: Screenshot-20210815-124546.jpg]


Lee KILL You must have cried that day.......lost his pension and other benefits as a ''translator'' for the glorious Imperial Japanese Army...... Rotfl