SG Talk

Full Version: RK can cause the downfall of Opposition and this Society .
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Pages: 1 2
(13-02-2022, 10:21 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]Corrections :

1. ( answer just now) 

2. No downfall of the society


We are retrograding back into the 90s without Opposition to check, smack, question, probe . . . . 

One Party System that yields perennial power is far from Democracy. 

[Image: Indranee-no-blank-cheques-2020.png]
(13-02-2022, 03:22 PM)Levin Wrote: [ -> ]RK is 刘健明.


Chao "khan" (pun intended)

She will forever live with her shame,ignominy, guilt and all negative stuffs till she breathes her last.
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