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Ong low crime doesn't mean no crime  Rolleyes
Imagine your kid a month before exam tell you to be prepared that he will fail the entire exam.
Why not just say 100k and that can cover his b-side for a long time. No need every month change his case number projections.
The $million minister just have no idea how to solve problem but just forecast worst case numbers and tell people ownself take care of ownself.
He is very LJ.

Instead of controlling the numbers, he just say 20k is within expectations.

I also know how to talk cock- if you don't want to study, your grades will be below 20 marks for your exams.
After watching oyk for so many times on tv, i realised he has no feelings against others, that just my personal opinion, i don't know about you
I used to think he very talented, but he put himself up on national tv for scrutiny, which all politicians should, that's when i manage to read him properly, little did i know, that changed my perspective 180 degrees
With this latest pfizer oral drug just arrived, omiron n other variants will die soon.
It's an oral drug , a fusion of the east n west scientists.
(13-02-2022, 01:54 PM) Wrote: [ -> ]After watching oyk for so many times on tv, i realised he has no feelings against others, that just my personal opinion, i don't know about you
I used to think he very talented,  but he put himself up on national tv for scrutiny, which all politicians should, that's when i manage to read him properly, little did i know, that changed my perspective 180 degrees

I observed OYK when he was still CEO of WDA, young and very eager to show himself on TV.

I used to have the same thinking as you, that this guy is very eloquent and can talk well. But over the years, I realized that this guy is only all for himself. He talks mainly to score points, and not because he has some great plans.

In conclusion, this guy is all talk and no action. Or his action is simply haphazard and messy. Just look at MOH's directives on Covid-19.

the comments are lopsided
(12-02-2022, 07:18 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]ONG YE KUNG: REACHING 15K TO 20K CASES 'WITHIN EXPECTATIONS'

Now they want to try ART for incoming travellers .. ..confirm can reach 10000k cases ..
If he got voted out in the next election, it should be within expectation also.🤣
Song Boh!
You voted for their complacency … Rotfl
It is not fun at all to kena Covid…

I got a friend. Wife kena Covid recently. Almost recovered from Covid.. Now his son kena Covid… Repeat the cycle again.
heard one auntie said 草管人命 woh
This is outrageous, it should be looking how to keep it as low as possible with control measure instead of giving ownselfa kpi that is not measuring how well he is able keep the infection rate low but forecasting of how high the infection is going to.... So much about elites. F...k you
They already lost control ,thats why you isolate yourself with family . Family becomes entangled , potentially going round asymptomatically spreading like fire .
Keep living deceitfully as though all are in control. Many still living in darkness having faint hope seeing light at the end of tunnel. If all still having a quality life till then, I consider it is the Mercy and Grace of God that seen us through .
(13-02-2022, 02:15 PM)EXBB Wrote: [ -> ]Now they want to try ART for incoming travellers .. ..confirm can reach 10000k cases ..

(13-02-2022, 03:02 PM)Kgliangp Wrote: [ -> ]This is outrageous, it should be looking how to keep it as low as possible with control measure instead of giving ownselfa kpi that is not measuring how well he is able keep the infection rate low but forecasting of how high the infection is going to.... So much about elites. F...k you
Finally wants to test all incoming travellers with ART, it is  not good enough to predict the number of infections here, but rather how to intercept the viruses, that should be the job of the responsible minister.........
Numbers go up, say it is all planned

Numbers go down, claim shameless credit 

Numbers go sideway, scratch head and blame Sinkies

This type of leadership, even a donkey or dog can do better
so anything lower than 40k per day is business as normal.
(13-02-2022, 04:47 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Numbers go up, say it is all planned

Numbers go down, claim shameless credit 

Numbers go sideway, scratch head and blame Sinkies

This type of leadership, even a donkey or dog can do better
That's why he kept projecting high numbers and he no need to do anything. If the cases don't go up that high, he can claim credit. This type of leadership is useless and bad for Sg.
expects high numbers but din do or couldn't do anything, really useless
(12-02-2022, 07:33 PM)Instinct Wrote: [ -> ]The $million minister just have no idea how to solve problem but just forecast worst case numbers and tell people ownself take care of ownself.
Huh? I thought he just there to report only? I didn't know need to solve one?
first batch of Pfizer's antiviral oral pill, Paxlovid, arrived in Singapore this week, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Saturday (Feb 12).
(13-02-2022, 08:17 PM)Teeth53 Wrote: [ -> ]first batch of Pfizer's antiviral oral pill, Paxlovid, arrived in Singapore this week, said Health Minister Ong Ye Kung on Saturday (Feb 12).

What will be the cost?🤔
(13-02-2022, 08:19 PM)Bigiron Wrote: [ -> ]What will be the cost?🤔

Will the cost of the pill be foc.....borne by govt........?
(13-02-2022, 08:29 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]Will the cost of the pill be foc.....borne by govt........?

Good question
(13-02-2022, 08:29 PM)debono Wrote: [ -> ]Will the cost of the pill be foc.....borne by govt........?

if foc, would you take?