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Full Version: Putin Was Never So Upset: USA Parking Missiles At Our Doorstep!
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(05-03-2022, 05:13 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]So where are the 6000 Russian nuclear warheads pointed at?

Do those countries it threaten have right to kneaded Russia?

Is any of the nuclear warhead pointing at you?  Thinking Rotfl
(05-03-2022, 05:13 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]So where are the 6000 Russian nuclear warheads pointed at?

Do those countries it threaten have right to kneaded Russia?

Some are pointing to China. China should attack Russia if using Russian logic.
Finally Russia wins for what ?

普丁與德總理通話 稱軍事行動貫徹到底 願與烏方對話但需滿足以下要求|全球線上 @中天新聞

The Point: What's the endgame in Ukraine?
Pages: 1 2