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Full Version: Ukraine admits it may turn down NATO membership to avoid war with Russia
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Ukraine admits it may abjure its plans to join NATO in order to avoid a war with Russia, Ukraine's Ambassador to the UK, Vadym Prystaiko said. An excerpt of his interview was published on the Twitter account of BBC Radio 5 Live.

When asked whether Kiev could consider renouncing membership in the North Atlantic Alliance, the Ambassador replied that the Ukrainian authorities could do this. It was not only Moscow, but also NATO that was pushing Ukraine in every possible way, including threats, to making such a decision, he said.
Yes; just like Sg might turn down JB if want to join us to avoid Bolehland angry...
(15-02-2022, 07:26 PM)ysh02 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes; just like Sg might turn down JB if want to join us to avoid Bolehland angry...

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